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  1. Bolt név színezése [Hidden Content] root.eix/epk Megnyitod az uiprivateshopbuilder.py fájlt! Rákeresel erre: class PrivateShopAdvertisementBoard(ui.ThinBoard): def __init__(self): ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self, "UI_BOTTOM") self.vid = None self.__MakeTextLine() Így módosítod: class PrivateShopAdvertisementBoard(ui.ThinBoard): def __init__(self): ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self, "UI_BOTTOM") self.shopAdvertismentBoardSeen =[] self.vid = None self.__MakeTextLine() Rákeresel erre: def Open(self, vid, text): Í
  2. uiiventory.py Keress rá erre: RefreshStatus A def RefreshStatus(self): alá másolod: money = player . GetElk () if money <= 100000000 : self . wndMoney . SetFontColor ( 1.0 , 0.2 , 0.2 ) elif money >= 100000001 and money <= 1000000000 : self . wndMoney . SetFontColor ( 1.0 , 0.6 , 0.2 ) elif money >= 1000000001 and money <= 1500000000 : self . wndMoney . SetFontColor ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 0.2 ) elif money >= 1500000001 : self . wndMoney . SetFontColor ( 0.6 , 1.0 , 0.2 ) self . wndMoney . SetText ( localeInfo . NumberToMo
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